Short Story

Nikolitsa is a 35-year-old mother of 6, who is called to battle with cancer for a second time! It all started about 8 months ago, when the young woman was diagnosed with an Invasive Ductal Carcinoma grade II. Her doctor then recommended that she would be immediately subjected to chemotherapy. Nikolitsa has completed her treatment plan and one month ago she underwent a surgical resection of the tumor. However, the biopsy results were quite discouraging, since the cancer has already spread to the surrounding lymph nodes. Currently, Nikolitsa is being subjected to radiation therapy and hormone therapy. 

We join forces for Nikolitsa, the mother of six who is battling cancer!

by Act of Kindness

  • 15.907

    Funding Goal
  • 15.927

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
The campaign is successful.

Act of Kindness

136 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio

Campaign Story

Nikolitsa is a 35-year-old mother of 6, who is called to battle with cancer for a second time! It all started about 8 months ago, when the young woman began to feel pain in her right breast, while she also noticed skin changes in that area. She then visited her gynecologist, who recommended that she would be subjected to further tests. The breast MRI revealed a suspicious solid mass of 8 cm, while the biopsy revealed an Invasive Ductal Carcinoma grade II. Her doctor then recommended that she would be immediately subjected to chemotherapy. 

Nikolitsa’s family was unable to cope with the cost of her health-related expenses, since they were experiencing financial hardship. Thanks to your defining contribution however, we managed to support this family, since we covered the cost of their living expenses, as well as the cost of Nikolitsa’s transportation to and from the hospital, for six whole months! 

Nikolitsa has completed her treatment plan, while one month ago she underwent a surgical resection of the tumor. However, the biopsy results were quite discouraging, since the cancer has already spread to the surrounding lymph nodes. Currently, Nikolitsa is being subjected to radiation therapy and hormone therapy. The treatments are being performed in a public hospital of Athens, while according to the doctors who monitor her condition, the young mother still has a long way ahead of her. 

Nikolitsa’s family is once again in a dead end, since the young mother is unable to work, while her health-related expenses are gradually increasing. Now, Nikolitsa has to stay strong. She has to fight and beat cancer, in order to return healthy to her children. Together, we can offer her a helping hand, so that she’ll be able to complete her treatments


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You can help by the following ways:

  • by entering the campaign’s webpage and making an online deposit using your debit or

credit card (through Viva Wallet, Paypal, Stripe).

  • by making a deposit to one of the following bank accounts: Reference “NIKOLITSA 157”


Piraeus Bank 

          Account number: 5222091702771

          IBAN: GR4101722220005222091702771


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


National Bank

          Account number: 21000630539

          IBAN: GR4401102100000021000630539


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


Alpha Bank

          Account number: 701002002030506

          IBAN: GR0401407010701002002030506


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS 



          Account number: 00260024130201219506

          IBAN: GR6502600240000130201219506


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


  • – by making a donation through the DIAS internet banking payment system, using this

campaign’s unique RF26917199157715771577157 payment.

  • – by sending a text message to 19825. The message must read: “NIKOLITSA 157”. (Charge  2,71€ /SMS)


*the charges include VAT as well as mobile subscriber fee. This number is available for all fixed and mobile telephony providers in Greece.