A new era begins for “Praxi Agapis”, the Child and Family Welfare Organization, which after taking into consideration the ever-increasing number of people who require assistance in Greece but also abroad, is expanding its activity, while changing its name to “Act of Kindness”. In the context of upgrading our services and tools, we are proud to present our new website to the public, by the name of www.act-of-kindness.org. This up-to-date, multidimensional, efficient and easy to use tool, signals our transition to a brighter and more exciting future.  All these years, the Organization’s function is being based on timeless values, such as Love, Solidarity, Offer, Respect, Honesty and Integrity, which constitute the main pillars of our operation. Always taking into consideration the importance of Trust, which constitutes a fundamental principle for the Organization’s course, we have created a new, digital environment, where every fundraising campaign posted on the website – regarding the financial support towards our fellow citizens that are facing severe health problems which require immediate treatment in Greece or abroad, as well as the purchase of specialized medical equipment – is accompanied with a fundraising progress bar, that shows the exact fundraising goal. The benefactors have the ability to donate the sum they desire, while observing on their screens the progress bar filling up. The bar is immediately updated and displayed live, so that every user can see it. Embracing the concepts of Transparency and Trust, driven by a sense of stability, but at the same time by an attitude towards change, and while possessing a cutting-edge, but at the same time a user-friendly technology, we have now formed the infrastructure that will ensure the Organization’s seamless operation, creating unlimited possibilities and contributing to a better society for all of us.