We continue the fight for Reno who was left quadriplegic after a fall! New update on the course of his health.

Renos' daily life is a real Calvary all these months when he struggles to regain his lost abilities, after suffering a serious injury to the cervical spine. The 28-year-old young man is hospitalized in a public rehabilitation center in Patras, receiving an intensive treatment program. Thanks to our immediate intervention and the valuable contribution of all of you, the electric wheelchair was purchased that helps him move and feel independent, which significantly improved his psychology. The tracheostomy has been removed and Renos has excellent consciousness and perception. However, he is unable to move his limbs and remains confined to bed and wheelchair. The days are approaching when he will have to be transferred to home care and this fact requires the appropriate medical care and an intensive treatment program immediately after going home. Any delay or omission can be fatal for the development of Renos' health and rehabilitation and go back all this effort he has made to date and continues! Let's all go together to ensure all his treatments for the whole year, as well as the medical equipment that will provide him with the necessary conditions of care and care. A young man has come face to face with the toughest face of life and needs the support of all of us. He has all his life ahead of him and he has to win it back!